F1GP-EdF1GP-Ed Documentation

[Contents] [Index] [Help] [Browse <] [Browse >]
  Project Menu       File Menu              Window Menu
 +-------------+    +-----------------+    +--------------------+
 |  New        |    |  Load Names...  |    |  File Editors      |
 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|    |  Save Names...  |    |  Memory Patches    |
 |  Load from  |    +-----------------+    |  Other             |
 |  Save to    |                           |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|                           |  Default Settings  |
 |  Iconify    |                           +--------------------+
 |  About      |
 |  Quit       |

  Memory Menu              Settings Menu
 +-------------------+    +----------------------------+
 |  Install Patches  |    | �  Create Icons?           |
 |  Remove Patches   |    | �  File Filter?            |
 +-------------------+    | �  Overwrite Files?        |
                          | �  Confirmation Requests?  |
                          | �  Save Window Positions?  |
                          | �  Patch After Loading?    |
                          | �  View Images In Window?  |
                          |  Screen                    |
                          |  Save Settings             |

Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.